Pahar Foundation Nepal (PFN) is a Australian registered charity with DGR status. Its primary role is to raise funds to support the works of the Pahar Trust Nepal (PTN). The PTN is a UK registered charity www.pahar-trust.org that has, for over 30 years, been building and renovating schools.
Since 2013 until the start of 2022 the Pahar Foundation Nepal has completed: 3 Libraries, 2 ECD classrooms, Land Stabilisation, Lightning Protection and Fencing. The PFN also has supported, Student Schooling years 11 & 12, Visually Impaired students’ yearly fees and Earthquake Relief.
Are solid, secure and durable structures that are earthquake resistant.
School classrooms have adequate space that are comfortable and provide an encouraging environment for children to learn
All projects include sanitation facilities and are finished to a high-quality standard.
Pahar Trust Nepal (PTN) is a UK & IOM registered charity established in 1993 that provides improved education, health and sanitation facilities to rural communities in Nepal. It works in partnership with its sister NGO in Pokhara, Nepal that employs a team of around 12 full-time staff to deliver the projects. It's mission and objectives clearly and purposely reflect those of the PTN.